5 Tips to Build Relationships

Building Relationships - 5 Tips to Propel Your Brand Awareness

Successful relationships propel your brand awareness. Ensure your brand can enhance awareness and gain visibility in your area of industry or niche. Nurturing your existing relationships can potentially have the ultimate positive impact for your company.

In the corporate world,some clients seem to arrive out of the blue - either word of mouth, client referrals, or a completely new client from a website visit. But once the client puts their trust in your company and you work through your first project together, without nurturing the relationship, that first project may be your last. The goal is to create lasting relationships that benefit everyone involved.

5 Tips to Build Successful Business Relationships that Thrive

5 Tips to Building Relationships that Thrive

Propel your brand awareness with successful business relationships. By using our tips you can create lasting business relationships that thrive for years to come. Turn your initial project into the first of many. Here's our tried and true tips:

In the beginning of a business relationship:

1. be sociable - open up about yourself with cute stories
2. tell them about a past success that mirrors their project
3. listen - take to heart their activities or causes
4. say their name - this is universally true of your current customers
5. thank them for their time - after every interaction

When working with long-term relationships:

1. be sociable - remind them of positive events you experienced together
2. use past successes to address any potential or emerging issue
3. listen - they will tell you about corporate changes and advances that are crucial
4. say their name - it keeps the relationship professional and friendly
5. thank them for their time and the opportunity to continually serve their needs

Words matter

Speaking on previous success builds your reputation regarding competency, and fosters trust. Include samples of projects, obstacles overcome, opportunities you maximized. This also helps your customer understand your background more.

Listening is Powerful
The client will tell you exactly what they expect, if you listen with an open mind. Too often, we internalize and formulate our next comment or try to guess what they are going to say next. Enjoy the break from speaking and let the client direct the conversation and you will know their expectations, the organization hierarchy, and how to best navigate your relationship.

Attitude Is Key

By being sociable, friendly, outgoing, unfazed by obstacles, happy and optimistic - you convey your self assurance and ability to overcome, and work through any challenges with poise, dignity, professionalism and a sense of humor. That makes you fun and encouraging to be around. Being pleasant is the easiest thing to do that can earn you huge rewards. You might just make a friend and have a valued client relationship.

The effort you put into building strong relationships starts with gaining your audience's attention.  Follow the advice of Anne Ink, contact us today to gain insights for ultimate corporate success.

Nurture relationships with Anne Ink's 5 tips for success.

About Anne Ink

Find animation videos on the following pages: positioning, identity, philosophy, media, and presence. Anne Ink services include branding and strategic marketing, design, writing, and photography.