How to Apply Lean Business to Corporate Strategy

Lean Business Philosophy Brand Awareness Anne Ink video poster

Thinking lean can be the guide to successful strategy. It all starts with mindset. Your philosophy is the structure upon which to build your lean business corporate strategy. The mindset directing corporate strategy exploration needs to be open to new opportunities and ways of learning. That is exactly why using the lean business approach encourages…

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Corporate Identity Creative Messaging

Brand Identity Marketing Awareness Anne Ink video poster

Cohesiveness in messaging directs the creative and design elements. Corporate identity creative messaging takes your business guiding principles into consideration to guide your creative design. Cohesiveness in messaging is the backbone of a creative messaging and design. Unifying the corporate messaging into a cohesive vision for the brand is necessary to build corporate advantage. By…

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Defining Your Corporate Mission

Define your "why", crafting a corporate mission statement

The first step to corporate success is defining your corporate mission to begin building a successful brand that stands out in the marketplace. This may seem like a daunting task, but can be easily accomplished by answering 7 simple yet crucial questions. Define your Corporate Mission or “Why” by Answering 7 Questions To find one’s…

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Positioning Strategies Brand Recognition

Strategies for your company to build brand recognition for ultimate success. Positioning strategies build brand recognition. Positioning your company for success by building brand recognition. Ever wonder how to begin with building brand awareness and recognition in the marketplace? It’s as easy as defining who you are, or your “why.” This equates to your corporate…

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Anne Ink Website Blog Press Release

branding and package design Anne Ink home video home image

Anne Ink website blog press release announces new website features. The new Anne Ink website now includes ultra-realistic and illustrative art generated with artificial intelligence. Animation videos can be found on each of the following pages: positioning, identity, philosophy, media, and presence. Anne Ink services include branding and strategic marketing, design, writing, photography. We started…

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