Fr. Elmer, CSB '46 with Fr. Huber, Detroit Catholic Central High School fundraiser event invitation
Detroit Catholic Central 90th anniversary logo designed by Anne Ink

Detroit Catholic Central Fr. Elmer, CSB '46 Event Fundraiser Design

Catholic Central Fr. Elmer event fundraiser design starts with the elements necessary to make an event memorable.

Branding that exceeds expectations. Our creative vision combines the celebration of Fr. Elemer's birthday with the corresponding 90th anniversary of the school's founding. The invitation is also a GDUSA creative design award winner.

The 90th anniversary and birthday celebration branding defines an event fundraiser and impacts results. This once-in-a-lifetime event has lasting results and memories.

The year 2018 marked the 90th anniversary of Catholic Central's founding and the birthday of Fr. Elmer, CSB '46. Anne Ink created the 90th anniversary logo as the visual anchor for the campaign which encompassed a year-long celebration marked with numerous audience touch points, including the alumni magazine and culminated in Fr. Elmer's birthday celebration.

Fr. Elmer, CSB '46 fundraiser event invitation
Aluminator magazine fundraiser event invitation issue with 90th logo and Fr. Elmer, CSB '46 on the cover


The 90th anniversary fundraiser event and celebration messaging and branding for the year-long celebration was well received by Catholic Central and stakeholders. The intense marketing campaign included a personal appeal to celebrate and become a fundraising event at the same time.

The 90th logo project employed strategic design that emphasizes clean, easily recognizable messaging. Distinction and ability of use for many promotional items was key. The logo was used school-wide with a program, which aimed to aid in garnering attention for the milestone at multiple CC events.

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